Saturday, September 15, 2012

My Bright Beauty Turns 3!

It hardly seems possible that it has been three years since we welcomed our baby girl, Kalea Mei into this world. We have many reasons why we chose not to know the sex of both of our babies ahead of time. But if I am truly honest with myself and others, I knew that I would need to be looking into the precious face of my child to ease the disappointment if my second born were not a girl. My relationship with my own mom has given me the sweet experiences of things like all-day shopping trips, planning my wedding day and sharing in the births of my babies. The bond between a mother and a daughter is really hard to put into words so why wouldn't my heart long to have that with my own baby growing inside me. When the doctor announced our baby was a girl, all those possibilities suddenly became a reality. My parents say she is just like me: wanting to do everything herself and desperately seeking the approval of her big brother. She is happy, loves people, and is eager to experience life. As all moms and daughters do, we have our moments. One day, our tiffs about using the potty and getting her hair brushed will involve boys and making her own decisions-a day that can definitely take its time coming. For now, we rejoice in the "bright beauty" she lives up to and pray that she would shine for Jesus in all she does. 

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